Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence
Are you a compassion warrior, culture worker, and rebel who cares deeply about humanity;
who's tired of doing all the “right things” and still getting what you’re trying to avoid;
and who feels trapped between burning it all down or dying but would rather be wildly, and sacredly alive?
I'm an animist and ancestral wisdom guide; ceremonialist, and empath. And I love guiding other humans who want to use their burnout and purpose anxiety as a jumping-off point to journey into their shadows and the shadows of modern society in order to de-armor their hearts; remember a deeper, wilder sense of belonging to the world; and reclaim the rich and sacred spark of their aliveness.
This newsletter contains wisdom nuggets, podcast episodes, and invitations to paid and free offerings from my business. All in support of remembering a more animist and land-based culture; holding firm to our humanity in a dehumanizing world; and living with compassion, vulnerability, and reverence.
a new offer and a sale!
Published 1 day ago • 7 min read
Dear ones -
Firstly - I acknowledge this email, which usually comes at the beginning of the month, is coming almost halfway through.
While there are a lot of voices and images out there glorifying a nomadic life, it's not the whole picture. And I've been stuck more in the challenges of it the past few weeks. Make no mistake - I feel the privilege and richness of making the choice to live this way right now. AND it’s also frequently exhausting and requires sacrifice and huge amounts of discernment. Plus, as we know, too much expansion, too much of a good thing, is still too much. It can be so rich it's overwhelming.
After the expansion of my birthday, came the inevitable contraction and necessary integration. And juggling all the housing and transport logistics, on a very tight budget, while also working to run a business and be able to show up in that business to a certain standard… while also trying to make sure I ate and showered and got my necessary exercise… it proved to be too much.
So I got to continue practicing recognizing burnout was about to happen and honoring the season I found myself in. I pared way down, let “perfect” go, and am slowly getting caught back up, little by little, with no massive crash.
I would not have been able to do that a couple of years ago.
This is part of why I wouldn’t trade this work of creating a different, more responsive kind of life (even with all its challenges) for anything. Because to really free ourselves of cycles of burnout, we have to not only practice deep rest and nourishment, to build our capacity; we also have to build lives, a whole society eventually, that won’t actively work to exhaust and deplete us, to keep us unfocused and unrested, to not allow us to honor our seasons and the greater seasons of the world around us.
We tend the inner to revolutionize the outer. And we revolutionize the outer as a way of caring for the inner.
... which actually feels like a perfect transition to…. announcing a new offer!
This has been in the works behind the scenes for a while. And I’m excited to announce:
Fanning the Embers of Aliveness:a series of gatherings in a virtual round house, marking the important moments in the Wheel of the Year with ceremony and story.
This is for you who can’t drop your families, your jobs, and disappear on pilgrimage for months on end. It’s looking to our long-ago ancestors who lived in a more animist and land-connected (indigenous) way for maps on how to integrate deep spiritual nourishment, rest, and nature connection (three things which help me immensely when I’m burned out) into our everyday lives.
I submit this is one way we can begin creating a world that doesn’t keep burning us out.
We’ll gather together, about every six weeks, to honor the solstices, equinoxes, and cross quarter days; in a way that invites more spirituality, magic, and ancestor connection into how we’re living, where we’re living.
The gatherings themselves will be a combination of energetic, shamanic, ceremonial work and re-membering intangible cultural heritage through myth and story. They are designed to bridge your inner world and the outer world.
Since this will be the first time the vision of this offer meets actual humans, things may refine and shift as the year goes on. But at this point in time, I anticipate our gatherings including:
a transmission of roundhouse presence, gifted me by the ruins of an ancient round house in the far north of Scotland;
a preparing ourselves to enter into sacred space;
a guided journey to connect with the energy of the season;
a myth or story for the season, carrying the medicine of both archetype and some sort of cultural memory;
space for reflections and witnessing;
and good closing.
All so you leave with a deeper felt sense of rooted belonging; some more ways back into a rhythm of aliveness; and the kind of soulful nourishment and depth much of our everyday lives seem to be lacking.
So, these are live, 2hr gatherings. I anticipate recording them, though if that feels like it’s distracting or the recordings won’t be of value, I reserve the right to stop offering that. It will be best if you plan to attend them live. Whatever recordings are made will be available for up to two weeks after the live session.
While you can sign up for individual gatherings and they will each stand on their own, the power of the work is cumulative and you will find them more impactful if you can commit to as much of the year as you can.
In addition to the live gatherings, you’ll receive a email about a week before the gathering with some suggested seasonal prompts to support you:
connecting with the season where you live;
researching how any ancestors you are aware of may have marked the time of year;
exploring how the themes are showing up in your life;
and picking a ritual or practice to honor or otherwise mark the moment.
If you’re feeling particularly tight on time and low on capacity, you do not need to do these. However, they will most likely deepen your experience. I will offer some guidance as to which I think will be most impactful so you can choose your right level of engagement based on your current time-energy capacity.
Our first gathering is coming up in just 10 days: Saturday Mar 22, 2-4pm ET.
If you commit to the whole year of gatherings (seven of them) now, you have the option to bundle them all for a discounted price. Both pay-in-full and payment plans options are available.
And if you know someone else who might love this offer, it helps me out immensely if you share it (especially since we’ve only got 10 days until this first gathering). If you’re able and willing to help share and want me to get you some social media posts about it, please let me know. It means a lot.
The other announcement you might be interested in - a sale!
Did you know that we’ve entered the eclipse portal? A time between a lunar eclipse (happening this weekend on the full moon) and a solar eclipse (happening on Mar 29th). These eclipse portals happen every year in March and September/October. They’re potent astrological times for shaking things up and highlighting what isn’t working and is ready to be released. A time of the shadow coming forward, these times can feel particularly confrontational and destabilizing. The best thing we can do is stay attuned to our hearts, tend to ourselves gently, and allow things to ebb and flow.
I’m finding this one to be beautiful so far… but mostly, I suspect, because I’ve really doubled down on my self-care and spiritual practices.
Does that sound like something you might need? Some support without a lot of effort on your part?
I’m offering an eclipse-inspired sale of 20% off 30min FULLY REMOTE 1:1 sessions for the rest of March. (They have to be booked and paid for by the end of the month, but they can be scheduled anytime before late April).
What’s a FULLY REMOTE session? A session where at your scheduled time you’re lying down in a space to receive and I connect with your energy fields and work with what I find there. No phone. No Zoom. I’ll send you a voice note (through WhatsApp or Signal) or email towards the end of the session letting you know what I found and did. This means you can be asleep. Or in a dozy, pre-fully wakeful state. And it works well on my end since it doesn’t require the same level of logistical factors as a video session.
Sometimes clients newer to experiencing the work this way are nervous they won’t feel it or it won’t be effective. That’s normal. What I can share is that when they do try it, they often love it. See - especially for those of us who tend to be highly empathetic care-takers, when faced with another person, we can subconsciously try and present a certain way so we’re taking care of them, rather than being able to fully receive. Like a confessional, this approach means there’s none of that. No performance, no needing to feel responsible for me. Just you, resting and receiving. And because of that, it can often go deeper and be more impactful.
I’ll leave it there for now, though you’ll be hearing more from me about these in the coming weeks.
sending lots of love and care,
P.S. For our March tarot card, I drew the Eight of Cups from the Shadowscapes deck by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore.
I had asked specifically for something to be aware of, something to release, during this upcoming eclipse. I was struck, as I pulled the card, by how the figure seems to be releasing all these other cups as she dives deeper. It also jumped out to me how the cups carried a similar glow to the light emanating from her crown. It seemed to say to me: “let the false lights fall away. Don’t fear the shadow. You have your own light. It will guide you into the dark.” The cups are the suit of emotions. Where are your emotions causing you to see the world one way when there may be a different way to approach the shadow? Don’t let how you feel about the repeating situations in your life distract you from seeing the patterns and letting them go. If you fall too deep into the emotions, you risk continuing to repeat the patterns. Your compassion, your heart, will free you. Eights are nearing completion. Keep going. We can change and watch how life changes in response to us.
Have courage.
P.P.S. Sanctuary will be back in a few months after I get these offers going, wrap my six months in Scotland, and get my feet back under me more generally. When it returns, it will be focused on the deep rest and nourishment needed for burnout recovery. More of the "building something new" and ancestral cultural pieces are now in the seasonal round house gatherings.
Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence
Are you a compassion warrior, culture worker, and rebel who cares deeply about humanity;
who's tired of doing all the “right things” and still getting what you’re trying to avoid;
and who feels trapped between burning it all down or dying but would rather be wildly, and sacredly alive?
I'm an animist and ancestral wisdom guide; ceremonialist, and empath. And I love guiding other humans who want to use their burnout and purpose anxiety as a jumping-off point to journey into their shadows and the shadows of modern society in order to de-armor their hearts; remember a deeper, wilder sense of belonging to the world; and reclaim the rich and sacred spark of their aliveness.
This newsletter contains wisdom nuggets, podcast episodes, and invitations to paid and free offerings from my business. All in support of remembering a more animist and land-based culture; holding firm to our humanity in a dehumanizing world; and living with compassion, vulnerability, and reverence.
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